Monday, December 10, 2012

Hope 1

Hope!! What an awesome kick off we had yesterday with the beginning to our Christmas series "HOPE". I wanna share just a few things that we talked about yesterday hopefully to keep you up and running thru the week to come. So here we go...

Hope always has an OBJECT and an EXPECTATION

1. We are People of Hope!
Ecclesiastes 3:11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart,...

This tell us the before you were born God put within you the ability to Hope! The issue that we seem to have is that Hope is useless if it is placed in just anything.

2. The Things of this World lead to Hopelessness.
I know that some of you had that boyfriend or Girlfriend in school that you just knew would be the ONE! Or the Job that you knew was gonna be your career from here on out and that soon you would be running the place, but... Those things failed. They were tangible and they failed you could hold them in your hand and they disappointed you. that is because we live in a fallen world and people are flawed. 

Sometimes this isn't because of sin. Sometimes a spouse dies or other circumstances hinder us from acheiving what we hoped for not because anyone sinned but because the system is broken, the world is flawed. 

So the Remedy is not to find the right thing to HOPE in but it is to find the right Person to HOPE in.

3. Jesus Christ is the HOPE!

Only when Christ is the OBJECT of our hope can the EXPECTATION be realized.

Jesus is the only Object that will consistently exceed our expectations. It is His nature...
He doesn't just save us from Sin...HE Erases it.
HE doesn't just bless our lives...HE does so beyond what we can think or ask.
Your Job, Kids, Spouse, even yourself will let you down but Jesus won't. 

I HOPE you have a Great Week! Show Hope to someone this week. Buy them lunch, carry a strangers groceries... let them know there are people who Care. 

God Bless
Pastor Vince

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